【内容量 Net】750ml
【産地 region】イタリア Italy / カンパーニャ Campania
【品種 variety】マルヴァージア ディ カンディア Malvasia di Candia 100% (1988年植樹 planted in 1988)
【タイプ type】白・オレンジ white, orange
【製法 vinification】
除梗して マセラシオン9日間
ステンレス発酵 SO2無添加
De-stemmed, maceration for 9 days.
Stainless steel fermentation, no SO2 added.
\\about Vigna 生産者について//
Antonio Gismondi アントニオ ジスモンディ
Campania – Cerreto Sannita カンパーニャ - チェッレート・サンニータ
ナポリから北北東に 70km、アペニン山脈の少し途切れたチェッレート・サンニータにジスモンディさんの カンティーナがあります。アペニン山脈系の山々に囲まれた緑豊かな丘陵地で、人に荒らされていない美 しい田舎です。
ジスモンディ家は代々この地でブドウを造ってきました。現当主アントニオさん(43 歳)のお父さんの パスクワレさん(65 歳)が農薬に頼らず、大切に畑を守っていました。今でも陽気に元気に畑に出て います。パスクワレさんは一日に 1.5L のワインを飲むそうです。残りはコーペラティヴに売っていました。
2016 年にマッシモに実家のワインを試してもらったところ、これは素晴らしい、是非ワイナリーとして販売す るべきだと太鼓判を押され、2018 年に実家に戻り、ワインの元詰めを始めました。
栽培はマメ科の植物を植え、窒素補給をします。植物が幾層にも重なり、良い土を造っています。 2021年頃からはビオデナミも取り入れ始めました。
醸造は現在すべてステンレスタンクで発酵・熟成させています。ノンフィルター、ノンコラージュ、亜硫酸は一切無添加です。冷涼な気候のおかげでアルコール度は高くなく 10~12 度。
Gismondi's cantina is located in Cerreto Sannita, 70 km north-northeast of Naples, at a slight break in the Apennines. It is a beautiful, undisturbed countryside of green hills surrounded by the Apennines.
The Gismondi family has been growing grapes here for generations. The current owner Antonio's (43) father, Pasquale (65), carefully protected the vineyards, not relying on pesticides. He is still out in the fields in good spirits. Pasquale drinks 1.5 litres of wine a day. The rest he sells to the cooperative.
Antonio used to work as a director in the restaurant business all over Europe. While living in Barcelona, he became more inclined towards natural wines, partly due to his hometown connection with Massimo from Partida Creus.
In 2016, Massimo tried my family's wine, which was so good that I was convinced that it should be sold as a winery, so in 2018 I returned to my family home and started bottling the wine.
The vineyard is 5 ha, 380 m above sea level, with calcareous soils of stone and clay over volcanic soils. The cool breezes from the mountain range make the land suitable for bio. The vines are mainly around 30 years old, planted by his father, and there are also 80-year-old vines planted by his grandfather. In the past, mixed plantings were considered good, and Chiaro is made from direct pressings of the mixed vineyards.
Cultivation is done with legumes and nitrogen supplementation. The plants are layered, creating a good soil. Around 2021, biodynamic practices began to be introduced.
All vinification is currently done in stainless steel tanks for fermentation and ageing. The wine is non-filtered, non-collage, and no sulphites are added. Thanks to the cool climate, the alcohol level is not high, at 10-12° C. The wine has a clean acidity and is easy to drink.
The acidity is clean and easy-drinking, while the wines are very extractive and excellent.
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