アグリコーラ・リュイット・リミタダ "ピペーニョ カリザル・ブランコ" 2023 | Agricola Luyt Limitada Pipeño Carrizal Blanco 2023 1L
【内容量 Net】1000 ml
【産地 region】Chili /Central Maure Valley チリ /中部 マウレ・ヴァレー
【品種 variety】missionary grapes (トロンテル、モスカテル・ド・アレキサンドリー、コリント、クリスタリーナ) 樹齢100から200年
Farmer: Ernesto and Marisol Soto Family
【タイプ type】白 White
サンティアゴから南に400km、Maule マウレ地区の3haの畑から、
From 3 ha of vineyards in the Maule Maule region, 400 km south of Santiago,
Sand, red and black clay, granite soils
De-stemmed and macerated in open wooden fermenters for 15 days, punching down as there is no press. Then matured in barrels called pipas and stainless steel tanks.
\\from Importer インポーターコメント//
Pale yellow colour, ripe tropical fruit aromas, golden osmanthus, white peach, yellow peach, passion fruit, mango, a fruit punch of delicious fruits! A very special bottle, very aromatic and beautifully balanced with acidity!
\\about Vigneron 生産者について//
Agricola Luyt Limitada アグリコーラ・リュイット・リミタダ
(造り手:Louis-Antoine Luyt ルイ=アントワーヌ・リュイット)
《Chile x France 伝統の良さとナチュラルな手法!》
<<Chile x France, the goodness of tradition and natural methods!>>
Louis-Antoine Ruyt was 22 years old when he first went to Chile, where he was fascinated by peasant life, wine and traditional cooking, including the use of open fires in the house. He travelled back and forth between Chile and France, developing his knowledge and ability in the field of wine.
At school in Beaune, he joined Matthieu Lapierre and was trained by Marcel Lapierre.
The missionaries brought their own root Vitis vinifera variety (100-350 years old!!!!) ), a heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation, and a tradition of Chilean farmhouse wines, while also making use of methods learned in Beaujolais and elsewhere, to release wines that are full of charm.
Imports to Japan were stopped about five years ago due to contamination in the cellar, but the company has overcome the difficulties and is working with like-minded winemakers to produce the wines.
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