【内容量 Net】750ml
【産地 region】イタリア ラツィオ Lazio, Italy
【品種 variety】トレッビアーノ Trebbiano 80%、マルヴァジーア・ディ・カンディア Malvasia di Candia 20%
【タイプ type】白発泡 Bianco Frizzante
【製法 vinification】
ブドウ果汁以外の糖分や酵母の添加は一切なく、濾過もデゴルジュマンも行わないナチュラルなアプローチで造られたフリッツァンテ。SO2 はボトリング時に必要最小限のみ添加。
Hand-picked grapes, completely destemmed and pressed.
Spontaneous fermentation in terracotta amphorae buried in the ground with wild yeasts only, separately for each variety. Vinification without enzymes, tartaric acid, concentrates, correctives, stabilisers or any other vinification additives.
Then continued spontaneous malo-fermentation and ageing in amphoras. Blended before bottling, unfined, unfiltered and bottled, with a portion of the must, which was immediately cooled and preserved at harvest, added as liqueur de tirage for secondary fermentation in the bottle.
Frizzante made with a natural approach, with no added sugars or yeasts other than grape juice, no filtration and no degorgesmant; SO2 added only minimally at bottling; no added sugar or yeasts other than those present in the grape juice; no added sugar or yeasts other than those present in the grape juice; no filtration or degorgesmant.
\\from Vigneron 生産者コメント//
Nina is the name of our grandmother. Juicy and very pleasant in taste, this pet nut is a tribute (gratitude and respect) to our ancestors, who lived here 60 years ago with deep roots. Origin and future, as well as the philosophy of simplicity and sharing, are hidden in the light bubbles. Lively, fresh, fruity and salty, it tugs at our heartstrings like a grandmother or a woman's care for her family.
\\about Vigneron 生産者について//
terracanta テッラカンタ
これまで農園には醸造設備はなく、栽培したブドウは全て他のワインの造り手に売却していました。しかし、ナチュラルワインに対して強い情熱を持っていたカルロと妻のルチアが2019年に農園に参画。二人はナチュラルワインを造るためのカンティーナ、“テッラカンタ”を設立。醸造所も新設し 2020ヴィンテージからナチュラルワイン造りを始めたのです。まだ新興のカンティーナですが、すでにローマとローマ近郊のレストランやワインバー、ワインショップで大人気を博しています。
Farm has been growing biodynamically for 35 years.
Terracanta is a cantina in Castelli Romani, south-east of Rome. Originally a biodynamic grape and olive oil and kiwi farm since 1986, the vineyard is situated in a valley that slopes gently down from the foot of Lake Albana, a caldera lake formed by an ancient volcanic eruption, towards the coast. The soils provide rich minerality and flavour to the wine, and the 60-year-old vines have been grown without irrigation since 1959, when my grandfather started viticulture.
Natural wine project started in 2019.
Until now, the farm had no winemaking facilities and all the grapes grown were sold to other wine producers. However, Carlo and his wife Lucia, who had a strong passion for natural wine, joined the farm in 2019. They set up a cantina for natural wines, 'Terracanta'. They also built a new winery and started making natural wine from the 2020 vintage. Although it is still a fledgling cantina, it is already very popular in restaurants, wine bars and wine shops in Rome and the Rome suburbs.
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