【内容量 Net】750ml
【産地 region】ドイツ Germany、ラインヘッセン Rheinhessen
【品種 variety】シャルドネ Chardonnay 60%、ピノブラン 40%(ラインヘッセン Rheinhessen、樹齢 age 30年)
【タイプ type】白 white
【製造 vinification】
Direct press, Chardonnay fermented in Croatian oak tonneau,
Chardonnay fermented in Croatian oak tonneau, Pinot Blanc fermented in Croatian acacia horse ricks, aged for 6 months.
No SO2 added.
\\about Vigna 生産者について//
MK Wine エムケーワイン
Matthias and Sabrina Kowalczyk
ラインヘッセンの南にあるアルスハイムという小さな村にMK Wineはあります。
生産者のMatthias Kowalczykさんは大学で生物学を専攻する中でワインに興味を抱き、ワインマイクロバイオロジーで修士号を取得しました。さらにアイスワイン製造に関する博士号の取得を志していましたが、途中で実際にワイン造りをする方が楽しく、また充分に理論は学んだと考え造りを選びました。
MK Wine is located in the small village of Alsheim, south of Rheinhessen.
Producer Matthias Kowalczyk became interested in wine while studying biology at university, where he obtained a master's degree in wine microbiology. He also wanted to do a PhD in ice winemaking, but chose winemaking halfway through because he enjoyed actually making wine and thought he had learned enough theory.
After internships at several wineries, he became convinced that no fining, no pumping and no additives such as subacid are good for the wine, and in 2018 he started MKwine, named after the initials of his name.
At first, he struggled to gain acceptance for his cloudy wines, but his partner Sabrina realised that Matthias' wines were in the style of what is known as 'natural wine', so he changed the target group to 'natural wine'. When they did, they were recognised both nationally and internationally.
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