【内容量 NET】750ml
【産地 region】フランス ジュラ Jura, France
【使用品種 variety】シャルドネ、オーセロワ Chardonnay, Auxerrois
【タイプ type】白 white
\\from Importer インポーターコメント//
Pale lemon yellow, mineral, apricot, plum, sweet and sour with fruit and acidity, moist and supple with air, pear finish!
Songe-Creux = 夢想家
\\about Vigneron 生産者について//
Le Vignoble du Pagure ル・ヴィニョーブル・デュ・パギュー
Hugo Courvoisier ユーゴ・クールヴォワジエ
Pagure = ヘリンボーン 畑はなかなかの斜度でスキーで斜面を登るように足をハの字にして登りながら作業をするためこの名前に。
Originally from the north of the Jura, Hugo was born into a family that originally ran a gentian (nigger wormwood) distillery rather than a winery.
He studied IT but became fascinated by wine and in 2012 attended wine school in Beaune and started working with Stéphane Tissot in Beaujolais, Burgundy and the Jura.
He then worked as a consultant to wine merchants and growers in Lyon before coming across a 3 ha vineyard planted with Chardonnay and Auxerrois in the Roux valley north of the Jura (on the Doux river east of Besançon) in 2021.
A 0.5 ha vineyard planted with Pinot Noir and Gamay was then added.
In 2022, the winery started making wine in earnest as a vigneron. Its pure wines are still unknown in France, but are sure to become popular in the future.
Pagure = Herringbone The name comes from the fact that the vineyard is worked by climbing up the slopes with the legs in the shape of a 'C', as if climbing up a slope on skis.
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