【内容量 Net】750ml
【産地 region】イタリア Italy / エミリア・ロマーニャ Emilia Romagna
【品種 variety】ピニョレット Pignoletto
【タイプ type】白・微発泡 White, slightly sparkling
【醸造 vinification】
梗をつけたまま搾り一晩常温でデキャンテーション。 一次発酵終了後、冷凍保存していたマストを加えて 瓶内二次発酵
The wine was pressed with the stalks attached and decanted at room temperature overnight. After the primary fermentation is completed, must that has been frozen is added and the wine undergoes a secondary fermentation in the bottle.
\\from Importer インポーターコメント//
泡が完全に抜けた最後の 1杯は取り合いに。
Nothing is added, nothing is subtracted. Because it is brewed without filtration, the lees, which are a mass of umami components, are strewn about.
The moment you take a sip of this deliciously infused liquid, you will feel a shock throughout your body! The unique flavor of the grape's original sweetness and the bitterness of its varietal origin coexist!
The last glass, after the bubbles had completely drained out, was fought over.
\\about Vigna 生産者について//
マリア・ボルトロッティ MARIA BORTOLOTTI - フラヴィオ・ボルトロッティ Flavio Bortolotti
マリア・ボルトロッティがあるのはイタリア エミリア・ロマーニャ州の中でも東端のコッリ・ボロネージ。ぶどう畑があるゾーラ・プレドーザの丘陵地帯はその付近で最もぶどう造りに適した土地として1000年前の文献にも名前が記載されています。コッリ・ボロネージは80000haほどの広大な産地ですが、本当に自然な造りをしているのは10蔵ほど。
ラベルのデザイナーは日本に憧れを持つマッティア・カルタ(Mattia Carta)というアーティスト。マリア・ボルトロッティにも収穫時等に仕事に来ていて、農園のワイン造りや自然との関わり方に深い感銘を受け交流が続いている!
Maria Bortolotti is located in Colli Bolognese, the easternmost region of Emilia Romagna, Italy. The Zola Predosa hillside where the vineyards are located is named in documents dating back 1000 years as the most suitable land for grape production in the vicinity. Colli Bolognese is a vast region of about 8,000 hectares, but only about 10 vineyards are truly natural in their production.
The head of the family, Flavio Bortolotti, was born in 1965 and is 53 years old. With an eye on the future, Flavio took the lead and began organic viticulture in 1992, soon followed by biodynamic viticulture.
Trees and other living creatures surround the vineyard. They live near the vineyards and farm with a lot of love for the land.
Natural production is his motto, and he strives every day to make wines that anyone can enjoy and afford.
He uses the yeast that grows on various grapes in the vineyard as a starter, just like making "natural yeast bread. According to him
I'm trying to make a chorus. I want to make a wine that resonates with a mixture of different voices.
I want to make wines with complex flavors, but in a simple way.
Wine is the taste of the land.
[The winery is simple]
The winery has a very simple winemaking facility.
The winery's winemaking facilities are quite simple. The winery is so far removed from state-of-the-art machines that one might wonder if this is all there is to it.
Mr. Flavio knows about cutting-edge machines and complicated vinification methods, but he doesn't use them because he doesn't like them.
He prefers to keep things simple, and all of the yeast is natural yeast!
He cannot say that he does not add SO2 at all during fermentation.
Only in a very bad year (2009), when mold was found, did we add a small amount.
In the first place, SO2 is always produced when yeast is active.
(*Wines with no SO2 added exist in Italy, and these wines may indeed have no SO2 added. They may be SO2-free, but they do not contain added vitamin C or use natural yeast! (according to Flavio).
No temperature control during fermentation, but the wine is racked (tanks are transferred) and the temperature is lowered.
The wine is not filtered. The concept is to not work on the wine.
The winery is so simple that he says there is nothing to explain.
[Philosophical! The Secret of the Etiquette]
The designer of the label is an artist named Mattia Carta, who has a passion for Japan. She comes to Maria Bortolotti during harvest time and is deeply impressed by the winery's approach to winemaking and its relationship with nature, and they continue to communicate with each other.
[The secret of the delicious flavor]
The high iron content in the grapes produces tannins that give the grapes a firm structure. The high iron content produces tannin in the grapes, which creates a firm structure. The tannin makes the wine suitable for long-term aging.
The low amount of SO2 added oxidizes the tannins contained in the grapes and darkens the color of even white wines. The white wines also have more body and are more robust. The grassy soil brings tannins to the wine that are not only strong, but also harmonious. The common taste of all the wines is due to the grass growing on the surface and the soil being alive.
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