【内容量 NET】750ml
【産地 region】フランス ローヌ Rhône, France
【使用品種 variety】シラー Syrah 90%、グルナッシュ Grenache 10%
【タイプ type】赤 Red
【醸造 vinification】
Syrah and Grenache plus grapes from abandoned plots in the village, vinified in semi-maceration carbonic.
Aged in stainless steel tanks for 10 months.
Non-filtered, non-collage, no SO2 added.
\\from Importer インポーターコメント//
スパイシーな赤ワインですが、軽くてフレッシュ、無添加で毎年AOCを取得することはほぼ不可能な為、「COTE DU RHONE(コート・デュ・ローヌ)」と呼ぶことはできないが、南ローヌ・ヴァレーの赤ワインの''伝統的''な特徴を持つ自由なワインを提案することに変わりはないことからコート・デュ・ローヌのプロヴァンス語訳である「COSTO DOU ROSE(コスト・ドウ・ローズ)」と名付けられた。(プロヴァンス地方の詩人フレデリック・ミストラルが詩の中でよく使っていた名前)
It is a spicy red wine, but light and fresh, with no additives and almost impossible to obtain an AOC every year, so it cannot be called 'COTE DU RHONE', but it is a proposal for a free wine with the ''traditional'' characteristics of the red wines of the southern Rhone valley. It is still named COSTO DOU ROSE, the Provençal translation of Côtes du Rhône, because it is still a free wine with ''traditional'' characteristics of the red wines of the Southern Rhône Valley. (A name often used by the Provencal poet Frédéric Mistral in his poems.)
\\about Vigneron 生産者について//
レ・フレール・スーリエ / LES FRERES SOULIER
GARD県のSaint Hilaire d'Ozilhanに8haの畑を所有しビオディナミをはじめとする自然農法でワインを作っています。
The young Domaine Frères Soulier was founded in 2014 by the Soulier brothers (Charles and Guillaume).
They own an 8 ha vineyard in Saint Hilaire d'Ozilhan in the GARD department and make wine using natural farming methods, including biodynamic methods.
The first vintage was in 2015. I had the impression that this young man has a passion and dream for winemaking. From the moment I met him, I couldn't help but feel delighted to be the first Japanese to visit this producer.
The vineyards are basically "overgrown" with grass. The reason for this is to give life to the vines, to keep air and nitrogen in the air and to maintain the presence of insects (especially worms). As far as vineyard work is concerned, he is working with Pierre Masson, a well-known expert in this field, to find the best methods.
They are gradually increasing the number of Italian varieties such as Tempranillo and unusual grapes such as Picardin. They also keep goats and make cheese.
Currently, their wine production may be low, but the quality and taste of their wines already have many fans and most of their wines are sold out. As soon as it is bottled, it is again sold out by reservation! The wines are also sought-after. Basically, no SO2 is added, or at most 20 mg/ℓ when required.
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